
13th Edition : Sunday July the 19th 2020

IMG_0604Departure : 8AM
Cost : 25 € until the 30th of June
or 30 € from the 1st July.

For a few years, we have decided to extend the race by opening it to racewalking contestants. The departure is an hour before the Half-Marathon. They can receive the same advantages :

  • Shuttle buses from Mende for the departure

  • Food supplies and many other services

  • Rewards at the finish line

The last food supply is in Chabrits (km 18), and the first racewalking contestants must absolutely wait there before the first 100 runners pass them by. If necessary, they will have to be stopped for a moment. It is absolutely prohibited to run, even in the last kilometers before the finish line. You can only run while competing the half-marathon.

The priority must be given to the runners, even at the food supplies. On the last hectometers, there’s a lane for runners only.

Of course, it’s not a competition; there is no ranking ; and no timing is taken for the walkers. Only the amount of participation is evaluated.

The course is the same for both runners and walkers. For further information about the course, go to the following page:  “Epreuves – Semi-Marathon – Le Parcours”